Topics covered:
Algebra and numerical sets
Natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers. Sorting and comparison: scales
and scientific notation. Operations and their properties. Proportions and percentages.
Powers with integer and rational exponents, and their properties. Roots and their
properties. Logarithms (base 10 and base e) and their properties. Elements of
combinatorics. Algebraic and polynomial expressions. Major products and nth power of
binomial expansions, factorisation of polynomials. Algebraic fractions. Algebraic
equations and inequalities of the first and second order. Systems of equations.
Basic concepts of functions and their graphical representations (domain, codomain, sign,
maximum and minimum, increasing and decreasing, etc.). Elementary functions: whole
and fractional algebraic functions; exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.
Composite and inverse functions. Trigonometric equations and inequalities.
Polygons and their properties. Circle and circumference. Measurements of lengths,
surfaces and volumes. Isometries, similarities and equivalences in the plane. Geometric
loci. Measurement of angles in degrees and radians. Sine, cosine, tangent of an angle
and their significant values. Trigonometric formulas. Solving triangles. Cartesian
reference system in a plane. Distance between two points and the midpoint of a
segment. Straight line equation. Conditions for parallel and perpendicular lines. Distance
of a point to a line. Equation of the circle, the parabola, the hyperbola, the ellipse and
their representation in the Cartesian plane. Pythagoras’ theorem. Euclid’s first and
second theorems.
Probability and statistics
Frequency distributions and their graphical representations. Concept of random
experiments and events. Probability and frequency

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